Deposit Status
Deposit Status is the first page displayed after a successful logon. You can also navigate to this page by selecting Deposit Status from the navigation menu.
Depending on your authority, all of the deposits that you created display or all of the deposits for your business display.
From this window, you can view a particular deposit by selecting the Deposit Id (see View Deposit) or view the transactions by selecting Show Transactions .
The following statuses are defined for a Deposit:
§ OPEN - a deposit/batch is placed in “OPEN” status when the batch is newly created or when a capture operator has reopened a batch to add additional items, or to resolve exceptions.
§ SUSPENDED - a deposit/batch is placed in “SUSPENDED” status when a capture operator saves a batch for later capture or exception resolution. This status is functionally the same as “OPEN” but indicates that no one is currently working on the deposit.
§ CAPTURE COMPLETE - a deposit/batch is placed in “CAPTURE COMPLETE” status when the capture operator selects the “CAPTURE COMPLETE” status. This status alerts the operators that there is no more capture work, but there are exceptions to resolve before it will become “READY FOR APPROVAL”.
§ READY FOR APPROVAL - A deposit/batch will be automatically placed in “READY FOR APPROVAL” status when it is in “CAPTURE COMPLETE” status and the operator has resolved or accepted all capture exceptions.
§ SUBMITTED - a deposit/batch will be placed in “SUBMITTED” status when an approver submits the batch and all exceptions are resolved or accepted. A deposit that has been submitted can be viewed but cannot be modified.